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Hey! So, gave it a fair shake. Got to about level 10.

I'm not really an expert at balancing things in rogue-likes, so I'll abstain from critique there, but it does feel like there's an absence of visual feedback in terms of how my health/shields are doing. Having to check at the bottom left corner every so often is distracting from all the action that's happening around my ship. 

There's nothing that really tells me when my shields are taking a beating, or when the shields are being bypassed and my health is being damaged directly, or when my health is critically low. I don't know if this is something you'd want to fix with audio cues, like maybe increasingly worrying cracking sounds for the shield until a big shatter sound when it fully depletes, or maybe something more visual like a blueish sphere sphere around the ship that becomes increasingly cracked as it takes damage until it shatters. Or maybe you'd simply want to put radial bars around the ship that only appear when you're taking damage, like a red half-radial on the left and blue one on the right.

There were instances where my screen was flashing red for some reason on the fog stage, around level 8? But I had no idea why.  My health and shields were high and there was nothing really on the map that was damaging me. To me, a red screen flash is sign that I'm taking critical damage or am in critical shape, so I wasn't too sure what that was about.

The music's awesome, if a bit too loud. The menu volume was fine but then you start the game and suddenly the music is obnoxiously loud.

The pink missile dudes are mega annoying. Maybe I'm just bad at these kinds of games but holy cow were they annoying. Like more annoying than any of the other enemies. I think it's the fact that the missiles just home in on you endlessly and go slightly faster than your ship.

All in all, a pretty cool experience. Not my kind of game, but I can tell you worked hard on this. There weren't any glaring bugs that I could tell from my short 10 minute stint.

Hey! I'm glad you had a good experience playing it even though its not your usual kind of game! Thanks so much for testing it out and for the detailed feedback. 

Your shield never gets bypassed, you can only take health damage if your shield is gone, but we'll definitely discuss options for showing critical shield damage/shield depleted more clearly. 

Hmm the screen continually flashing red was probably a bug. And haha yes the pink guys are annoying XD  I'm okay with them being a biiit annoying but maybe too many of them spawning at once? 

Will adjust the default music vol, sorry if we hurt your ears. Thanks again! We really appreciate it!! 

> I think it's the fact that the missiles just home in on you endlessly and go slightly faster than your ship.

the missiles have a finite duration
and you you make them loop once then they are more or less ignorable i found. mostly a threat coupled with any of the 3 heavy ship types

and the super heavy ships seaming to insta kill on contact

honestly i found that the rare (silver upgrades were often not really worth taking)
commons and legendaries were mostly decent though

and i might update my score screenshot later

Well done for getting to level 19. If you let me know in particular which upgrades you felt underwhelming we could try improve them?

the main rare mod that felt underwhelming was recklessness (-5% hp and +10% damage) as a rare when there is armour piercing ammo (10% cannon damage) sure maybe recklessness is both turret and cannon damage but it still feels... not that worth it

and the only way i know of to recover hp is to with living steel (hitting 20% hp regens you to 50%)
maybe recycling should be a hp recovery not shield recovery but at lower numbers than 5% per stack of the upgrade

Thanks for getting back to me with feedback. Appreciate it. Hope you had fun playing!